Thursday, July 5, 2007


LOL (Internet slang), an acronym or abbreviation of "laughing out loud", "laugh out loud", "lots of laughs."
(wikipedis source ;) )

Yes, i've received some "comments" from Itachimaru, our friend from Holland.

well, i want to clarify my previous post, so he could be lighter

Hi itachimaru, first of all i think to be old enough to write what i think, and my personal impressions. Fore sure i don't speak Dutch and i speak, for sure, italian better than english, and i hope your italian is good enough to understand what i'm talking about.

my previous post was not directly versus you but versus all the people abuse about "blog" and "internet" style grabbing news.

i don't know it but i'll take it as sure point you post source about NEWS.

The main problem is not posting only source, the main problem is give to right person the right "rights". let me explain better the point regarding you.

I've saw for sure more than one news pictures and whatever sourced from my blog; well no problem, but i never saw a simple comment, sign, post, or whatever about my blog.

pictures edited by me, photos and other stuffs found after long time surfing internet, etcetera etcetera...

You are not legally forced to post info about me or my blog, but is a "good" way to do it if this picture, news or whatever has been usefully for you

this someone call it netiquette

i hope any further polemic will stop here and will not prooceed, as from my side i'll delete the post, just to stop this thread.

Yours Sincerely


1 comment:

Itachimaru said...

Quote from netetiquette: The most important rule of netiquette is, "Think before posting". If an intended post will not make a positive contribution to the newsgroup and be of interest to several readers, it should not be posted. Personal messages to one or two individuals should be sent via private e-mail, not posted to newsgroups.
This rule is sometimes stated in other forms, such as "Remember the human".

So yes I will leave it at this, I'm going to write a post about Peter Doucet stealing a link I posted (sarcastic!!)

Don't forget to also add a source to your Hyper pic below and the source from your Spanish selection and your results from Engadin.

And one very important thing, I'm not from Holland but from Belgium! Isn't there something in the rules about thinking before you post, maybe to contact the person you have a problem with?? No it is better to maka a fool of yourself first...

Of to Heerde now I'll give you the link to my pics later then you can post them.. But don't forget to credit me ok??


Jelle Spruyt